Thursday, November 22, 2012

Quick Update...

Briefly, my chemo had to be pushed back a week due to an ongoing blood clot issue.  Hopefully, this coming Tuesday is IT.

There are things that they just don't put "in the brochure" when you're diagnosed with any disease or ailment.  Like after a surgery - you learn pretty quick that although some pain meds are the bee's knees, if you don't take a Dulcolax or Colace with it, you're in for a week of misery.  Or take my hysterectomy. A few days following my procedure, the left side of my abdomen became freakishly large compared to my right.  Apparently, thanks to the on-line community, I learned this phenomenon was completely normal and referred to as "swelly belly".  Again, not "in the brochure".

Apparently cancer affects patients' blood differently.  For some, cancer causes the blood to thin.  Not for this medical oddity.  Much like my waist size, my blood is thick and has caused a challenge or two which we pray is/are now under control. 

The past few days had its challenges but God put blessings in front of me with each step.  Whether it was a fellow follower of Christ with a word of encouragement, the support of dear loved ones and a team of doctors who communicated and created a plan of action, God's Hands are all over it.

And on this Thanksgiving in particular, with everything medically going haywire in my life, I count myself blessed.  I pray you take some time, regardless of what's going on in your life, and find 3 good things that's happening for you.  It could be (1) You're alive.  (2) You might be alone, but at least you're not in a miserable relationship (3) You have a roof over your head and food in your belly.  Yeah, whatever.  So that's 4.  You don't have to stop at 3.  Keep the list going. 


  1. As we went around the table yesterday, stating what each of us were thankful for, these 3/4 :-) good things were mentioned with others as well. The "Good Stuff" was "hunted"! They were all put into a prayer. Amy Maniscalco was also in our prayer as well!

  2. Hunt the good stuff!! Be resilient!
