Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Let's Catch Up!

A few folks expressed concern since I haven't written in a couple of weeks (that's mighty kind of you, thanks).  I tend not to write much if I don't feel God putting anything relevant on my heart to write.  Not sure how much of God's hands are on today's entry but I did want to check in with everyone, especially with those of you who don't have Facebook to see which cat picture I "liked" today to know I'm OK:

It was this one

  • I am excited to be able to cook again and move around like a normal person.  God willing the obscene level of upper body swelling that monopolized December, 2012 will never return ever never ever again.  While a year ago I might have taken offense, I've never been more excited to hear  one of my beloved nurses beam with pride and shout "YOU HAVE A NECK!" upon seeing my progress. 
  • My weekly mid-morning dose of pre-med IV Benadryl - my imaginary trip to the beach - has turned into a spastic leg twitchin' party.  It's amazing how the body can react differently to the same drug once it becomes familiar with it. 
  • Two weeks in a row and my chemo port has been working like a champ!  God and radiology department, thank you!  I explained in a previous post that the chemo port was surgically implanted in my upper right chest, under the skin to make the delivery of chemo and blood transfusions (blood work in general) easier.  A simple needle (either the small needle or the harpoon) is inserted into the port before chemo delivery and removed once the necessary procedure is complete.  I pray weekly for the small needle. 
  • I used to fear big, furry spiders.  Now I fear your cough.  If you sneeze on me, I might smack you in the mouth (consider it an open palm of Purell and love).  Please don't dismiss the flu shot.  I got it for my health this and previous years, and not just for me, but for the health of those around me.  20 kids are dead.  20 kids will never celebrate another birthday in this country because of the stinking FLU! 
  • Eyebrows?  Check.  Eyelashes?  Check.  Mustache?  Check.  Scalp hair?  Scalp hair?  Makeup?  Check!  Shiny brooch bling on my hats? CHEEEECK!
  • My nephew (Christmas Eve post) has been aware of my illness now for a couple of weeks and asked minimal questions of my brother during their talk.  My only regret right now is that I can't attend his sporting events.  An enclosed gymnasium packed with 10 year old boys?  I might as well stick my hands in a Holland Tunnel gas station toilet and rub my eyes.

I'll tell you what threw me for a little loop in this whole process - My pharmaceutically changed taste buds. I've had a 37 year love affair with food.  I married a man who loves to travel with me just to eat.  Even as a child, the most basic stuff - a freshly mashed ripe banana or a good roasted sweet potato would satisfy my baby belly.  Now?  I could throw a sweet potato against a wall, they're useless to me.  Banana?  Ick.  The saddest?  A truly gifted home cook prepared what I know had to be a divine baked spinach dip recently.  Unfortunately all my mouth detected was cardboard and bland cream cheese. 

Overall, despite the big and small challenges, God continues to answer our prayers for joy and peace. I thank you for your continued prayers for healing for me and others in your life facing similar challenges.  You're in my prayers everyday!

Here's a little Matt Maher "Alive Again", just 'cause:


  1. Anonymous1/16/2013

    I'm breathing in and out with you Amy........God is with us...........Love you....

    Mama Rose

  2. Thank you Amy.. stay strong

    1. Memory
      Karl loved New Corners Caesars salad. But w warned about fresh vegetables and fruit when counts were compromised. His quite often.. Thus weekly take out of just their Caesar dressing with bread sticks.
      @certain foods taste different.
      Thinking of you.. Hinda

  3. Surrounding you with prayer. Love you!

  4. Anonymous1/17/2013

    You are, without a doubt, a very gifted writer! And, more importantly, you're an amazing person. I'm looking forward to your next post :)

  5. Anonymous1/17/2013

    For your port pain ask your doc for a prescription of Lidocain. Before you leave the house on chemo or blood work days put the lidocain on the port and cover with a small piece of saran wrap. It will stick and just kinda tuck it under your bra stap. It will be numb for all the poking!

  6. To anonymous
    . Prior knowledge
    My experience.. Never never put anything near the port with out MY onc. Okaying.. Sterile area. Lidocaine is contraindicated in many situations.. Just saying.. Jerry would not go near port without sterile gloves and mask and gallon of bedadyne.
    .. From been there

  7. Thanks everyone! They did offer to give me a Rx to numb the area before chemo, but I declined, only because I'm such a hazard to myself, I thought I'd get it in my mouth and eyes. I only got the harpoon twice and only once when they inserted it did I think it was going to come out of my spine. ;)

    Hinda, I don't let anyone but a chemo nurse near my port but they do allow, at least the gyn patients, the numbing Rx if they want it. They sterilize the heck out of it before they access the port anyway.

  8. So happy to see you writing again. I was getting worried too but everytime I call you're getting your "tuneup" so I thought better to wait for an entry. Love and miss you, will call soon.

  9. Lady, you can call or text anytime. I love and miss you too!

  10. Anonymous1/28/2013

    Love you and will continue to pray for " joy and peace" and God's special touch.
