Saturday, November 24, 2012

We have wig!

It was suggested by several folks that I get a leg up on the wig shoppin' sooner rather than later.  I decided to give a local shop a try today, with the help of mom.
It's interesting.  My hair is naturally curly (super curly) and I prefer to wear it layered, shoulder length and straight. When introduced to numerous options of wigs today, my eyes immediately dismissed anything resembling shoulder length hair.  I was drawn to short, straight layers.  Simple.  No fuss.  Just slap it on, give it a quick style and boom - done.  I suppose I learned something new about myself.  Deep inside, I want short hair.
After countless samples and styles, I decided on a human/synthetic combo that I can wash with Woolite and a watered down conditioner every 11 or so wears.  Hello chemo silver lining - I don't have to do my hair.
I still want the "Jan Crouch" though... 

Go big or go home baby!


  1. Yay! glad you found one you like :)

  2. the 'Jan Crouch' would be better if it had built in LED lights. Like a disco on your head!
